7 Satisfying Crafts From Around The World

It's not always about lockdown, sometimes it's about looking for mental peace and calm that we cannot attain at our workplaces as most of us are busy in meeting the deadlines. Taking up any type of craft to do at home to soothe your soul and calm down your running thoughts for a while can do wonders to your mental health.

We bring you 7 craft styles that you can take up to enhance your knowledge about the diversity of countries and their art style along with taking some personal time for yourself to unwind. 


1. Some Pottery & Sculpting To Soothe Your Hands 

Pottery is probably the oldest and the most fascinating invention in human civilization.

After working on your work laptops for hours and hours, it feels right to give your hands something different to work with. You can also learn a lot through the pottery workshops how something that needs strength and power also needs delicate handling to shape it into your favourite mug. A metaphor for life, isn't it! 


2. American Quilting 

We think quilting & hand stitching is closely connected with the making of communities. While you sit together and chat with your neighbours as you both get to know each while also teaching each other some unique techniques of quilting! 


3. Nostalgic Japanese Origami

With its origin in Japan, we're sure you must be remembering your school days when the sone art obsessed kids in your class used to make a string of beautiful little swans out of white origami papers. Maybe it's time for you to try them while thinking of nothing but how delicately your fingers fold those origami papers. 


4. Aesthetic European Macramé

It's another joy to be able to decorate your living room with some intricate European Macramé with the colours of the thread chosen by you and the hours that you so dedicatedly spent in making both a wall hanging and a tea coaster for your favourite cup of coffee. 


5. Flipping Through The Scrapbook Pages

We feel that scrapbooking and any sort of craft to sooth your tumultuous thoughts are closely connected. Scrapbooking not only gives you an outlet to preserve your love through pictures and little quotes but it also gives you the non-judgemental space to showcase your creativity! 


6. Try Your Hand At Some Arabic Calligraphy

With its origin in the 7th century, Arabic calligraphy is not only mesmerizing to the beholder but it is also extremely very cathartic to the creator. The precise strokes of the Arabic calligraphy takes a lot of time for the non-native speaker of Arabic and that's the charm as you can spend hours on it with your favourite feather and the inkpot.  


7. Crocheted Tote Bags For An Eco-Friendly You

Ever loved a tote bag but didn't like the pattern printed over it? Then maybe it's time for you to make your own tote bags through the delicate and precise process of crocheting while sipping a warm cup of coffee and your cats purr against your feet. 


Written by Ayusshi

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